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Escape! A story of the Civil War

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Escape! A story of the Civil War Empty Escape! A story of the Civil War

Post  mbg9 Sun Jun 08, 2008 10:12 am

I wrote this story at the beginning of the school year so its not my best but I hope you like it! It hasn't been edited yet or anything. Im working on ideas for a sequel.

Chapter 1
Just an ordinary day

It was just an ordinary day; Jane and I were walking home from school together just like we do every day.
“Isn’t Ms. Morris simply horrid?” I asked Jane. Ms. Morris is our teacher but I think she’s a witch, she’s so mean.
“She is and I hate her.” Replied Jane, her head held high and proud. Jane was always one for speaking out.
“Mother say’s never think hate.”
“Then I guess I dislike her very, very much.”
On and on our conversation went talking about how much we both dislike Ms. Morris. Little did I know I would never see Ms. Morris again. When we reached my house Jane called “Good Bye!”
“Good bye butterfly!” I called. Butterfly was her nickname I gave when we were five because she always wants to get away and travel somewhere to see the world and if she was a butterfly she could.
I stepped inside the General store. Papa was standing behind the desk handing out change to a costumer. He and the man were talking casually. I waited for him, pretending to be looking at some cloth but really eavesdropping on their conversation.

“I hear a group Confederates are nearing the town.” Said the man.
“Our good Yankees will stop them rebels before they can set foot in our town.” Replied Papa proudly. My older brother, Joseph is in the Union Army and thankfully he is still alive unlike Jane’s older brother, John who was killed at the start of the war.
“Oh there ain’t no Yankee’s near!” Shouted the man. “If I were you I would flee the town!” Then he stomped out of the store.
I knew Joseph would get any Rebel that tried to get into Blackberry Bend, so I wasn’t worried. Then I walked up to Papa, he looked worried until he saw I was watching. “Howdy Katie!” Said Papa stepping out from behind the counter. “How was School?” He asked.
“I got an A on the Quiz today but… Ms. Morris is so mean; she slapped Matthew Patterson with the ruler for asking the boy next to him a question about the assignment. She said they were chatting.”
“To tell you the truth I never liked Patty Morris much either. Now you run along upstairs and see your Mother.” Said Papa. I walked up the stairs separating the store from the house. I stopped a moment to look at the sitting room; it was the grandest room in the house in my opinion. It had red velvet curtains and red velvet store bought furniture. There were fancy painted pictures on the wall. The wall paper was white with roses and leaves on it. Our home is one of the only homes in Blackberry Bend with wallpaper; the only others are Jane’s and the Harris’. I will never forget that room.
“Mother?” I called.
“In here dear.” Said Mother quietly from the bedroom. Mother was a small, quiet person who preferred to sit and read than go about the town. In fact that was what she was doing right then.
“Hello Mother.” I said with a curtsey.
“Good afternoon Katie.” Said Mother warmly. Mother is very formal. She was sitting on an overly stuffed chair reading a romance Novel.
“Mother.” I said sitting on the bed facing the chair.
“I heard Father talking to a man about the Confederate Soldiers being near. Do you think they are near?”
“Darling, Wars and such are nothing for a girl of your age to be worrying about. I don’t think the Soldiers would ever want to attack a small town like Blackberry Bend.” She said reassuringly.
“How was school?” She asked, trying to change the subject. “Do you have any homework?”
“School was… great just fine.” I said not wanting to get into how much I dislike Ms. Morris. “I do have some homework though, 20 spelling words to study from.”
“Maybe Jane can come over and study with you.” She said.
“Great!” I cried already heading down the stairs. I dislike studying but when I was with Jane we never studied, we just talked and played games.
I crossed Main Street and then walked to the end of Blackberry Lane. Jane lives right next to her father’s blacksmith shop. I knocked on the door three times, our secret code for “You can come over” Just in case she comes to the door. But Mrs. Johnson answered. Her hair was a mess and she was wearing two shoes that didn’t match. Mrs. Johnson is the complete opposite of my Mother; she is utterly and completely unorganized. The house was a pig pen, and Jane’s twin younger brothers were fighting over some toy on the couch.
“Come on in.” She said. “Jane’s in her room.” As I made my way to her room one of the twins, James, stopped fighting for a second to stick out his tongue at me, he does that every time I come over.
When I stepped in the room I saw Jane sitting cross legged on her bed reading Jane Eyre, her favorite book. (Not because the character has the same name as her.)
“Hi Jane. Mother says you can come over as long as we pretend to study.”
“Great! Let’s gossip!” She said.
“That’s one of my best qualities.” I replied with an obviously fake British Accent. I know Gossip is wrong and if Mother found out I Gossip I would be in deep trouble but I still love to do it.
We soon left the chaotic Johnson household and arrived at my house. We went straight to my room and started gabbing away. I sure enjoyed that time when we were supposedly studying. That was the last time I saw Jane.

Chapter 2

I wish Papa had taken that man at the Store’s warning seriously. It was about Nine ’o’clock at night, Jane had gone home hours earlier and I was sitting on my bed in my nightgown and cap chatting to our maid, Henrietta while she cleaned my room. Henrietta knew I gossiped but she promised not to tell anyone. In fact she loved to Gossip too!
Just before I turned out the lamp I heard Guns shooting, People shouting, screaming, and cries, Cries of Children who I will never know. There were Confederate Soldiers in Blackberry Bend! I sat there barely moving, hardly breathing on the seat next to my window. I watched in horror as Soldiers shot our friends and neighbors when I saw one solider grab Ms. Morris I didn’t know what to think. I didn’t want to watch this but I was frozen with fear. I saw soldiers ransack homes on Blackberry Lane. “Jane!” I thought running out of the room. I had to find Jane; I had to know if she was alright. But as soon as I got to the General Store door Mother Stopped me. She put her hand on my shoulder. I could feel a tear of hers fall onto my nightcap. We just stood there for a few moments gazing out at the street, watching what we never wished to see until Papa rushed out of the door, trying to save our horse and Buggy from a soldier who was trying to steal it. Mother told me “Go pack a few things Katie, Were leaving.” I never thought I would leave Blackberry Bend. I had lived in Blackberry Bend all my life, even Mother and Father had grown up there. I went up to my room and pulled out my small trunk. I put in it a few Dresses, A little bit of Jewelry, my diary, Letters from Jane I have received when one of us was away, and some precious family Photographs.
I stood in the door way of my room. This isn’t really happening. This is all a dream. I thought. I was trying to convince myself of something I knew wasn’t true. I stood there for a few more moments looking at my room; I had had that room ever since I was a baby. There were so many memories made in my room, this house that could never be forgotten. My knees started shake. I started to cry, I just couldn’t hold it all in anymore. There was no more pretending.
I knew I had to leave and fast, before they ransacked our house. Mother came in and grabbed me I wanted to protest I wanted to stay in our house, I wanted to find Jane But Mother helped me into the buggy.
“Did you get the safe?” Said my Mother to my Father.
“It’s right here.” He said Gesturing under a Blanket that sat before him.
“Where’s Henrietta?”Cried my Mother worried.
She said she could never leave Blackberry Bend.” Said Father full of Sorrow. “She said she would never leave Blackberry Bend, it was her home. I had offered to take her to her sister’s home in Richmond but she refused.”
How can you be so calm! I wanted to scream. I glanced around the street one last time. This was not how I wanted to remember Blackberry Bend. I didn’t want to think about Blackberry Bend and remember this! It wasn’t long until everything grew blurry. I wanted to wipe the tears away but I didn’t bother, more would come.
I looked back at Blackberry Bend one more time. I hoped no one would ransack our house, and then maybe we could come back. But I knew there would be nothing to come back to.

Chapter 3
Aunt Maria’s House

“We should go to my sister, Maria’s house.” Said Mother, once we were a good ten miles away from Blackberry Bend. “She doesn’t live far from here. Only another ten miles down the road.”
“Yes, until we can find a place to go.” Replied Papa, still watching the road.
Finally I couldn’t take it anymore “Why can’t we just go back to Blackberry Bend once the soldiers are gone?” I shouted. They didn’t say anything for a few minutes so I just sat there scowling.
“Darling...” Mother started. “There won’t be much of Blackberry Bend once the Soldiers are gone.” I knew this all along but I couldn’t bring myself to believe it.
“But… But…” I stammered. I knew I couldn’t argue, I knew I couldn’t win.
“Besides.”Said Mother. “You love Aunt Maria’s House! Remember we went there last Christmas? You and the cousins had so much fun hiding in the Secret room.” Aunt Maria’s house was a stop on the Underground Railroad and she would hide escaped slaves in her secret room.
Before long we reached Aunt Maria’s house. It was a large two story home in the middle of some woods. It was painted white and had green shudders on the windows. It was a very nice house in my opinion. When Aunt Maria was very surprised to see us pull up at 10 o’clock at night but she welcomed us warmly just the same. “Mary, George, Katie what a lovely surprise!” She said walking out to greet us. “What brings you here at such a late hour?”
Papa stepped out of the Wagon. By the grim look on his face Aunt Maria could tell something was wrong and her smile quickly turned to a frown. “The soldiers came to Blackberry Bend. We needed to flee.”
“Come on in I have plenty of room here, stay as long as you like.”
“We will stay here until we can find another place to settle. We are thinking of heading west.”
In the midst of their discussion I was still sitting in the Buggy. I didn’t want to go west, I didn’t want to move even farther from Blackberry Bend but I didn’t bother to argue with Papa, especially with Aunt Maria around.
Aunt Maria led us into her house. I saw a small, thin, African American girl who looked about my age approached us from the secret room she was wearing dirty clothes and was holding a torn rag doll.
“Is something wrong ma’am?” She asked.
“Well, yes Patsy there is.” Aunt Maria began.
“D… did they find me? Do… they know where I… am?” She asked, she looked like she was about to burst into tears.
“ Oh no Patsy nothing like that. No go back to sleep you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow.” Said Aunt Maria reassuringly.
We all sat down at her kitchen table. It was made of wood and smelled like it was freshly cut.
“Who was that girl?” I asked speaking for the first time since I arrived.
“That was Patsy.” She said. “She is another escaping Slave. She ran away from Kentucky but her parents were caught. She has an Aunt in Michigan, which is where she is headed. Tomorrow I am supposed to bring her to Reverend Hayes house. He will take her to Michigan then.”
“Oh.” I said looking down at my feet. I didn’t feel like talking much. I was still shocked because of today’s events. The Adults talked for a few more minutes, and then Aunt Maria showed me my room. It was the same room I had stayed in at Christmas. It was very girly and all of the girl cousins would fight for this room. Except Cousin Anna Nicole, she is like a boy. I was still wearing my Nightgown so I went straight to bed. The mattress was filled with feathers. I was so tired I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Chapter 4

I awoke that morning to the smell of Scrambled Eggs, my favorite. Aunt Maria made the best; she always made them at Christmas, all of the cousins would race downstairs as soon as they smelled them. I brushed my hair and then went to the kitchen. Mother and Father were still asleep but Patsy was up already. I thought everything that happened last night was a dream; it just didn’t seem possible so I said “I had the scariest dream last night. Soldiers came to Blackberry Bend. Isn’t that a crazy dream?” I sat down at the table and took a bite of the eggs.
“Katie… “Said Aunt Maria. “That wasn’t a dream.” She walked over and put a hand on my shoulder, just like Mother did the night of the Attack. I knew that it wasn’t a dream, deep down I knew it. I just couldn’t bring myself to belief it.
We just sat there for a few minutes, eating in utter silence until Patsy spoke.
“Mrs. Maria says you like to play in the secret room. Do you want to go see it? After all that is where I staying.”
“Sure.” I said smiling at Patsy. It was the first time I smiled since the attack.
We quickly ate our breakfast then headed towards the Secret Room. “I have stayed in several Secret rooms before.” She said. “But I find your Aunts the best.” I beamed; I loved Aunt Maria’s secret room like I loved my room at home. We pushed over the table against the wall and swung open the door to the Secret Room. It had to be hidden or else the slave catchers could find Patsy or any other escaping Slave. Inside the room I saw a few small possessions in the corner, Patsy’s I thought but otherwise the room hadn’t changed since Christmas.
“See, I did this when I was seven.” I told Patsy pointing to my name that I carved in the wall when I was seven. It was next to all of my cousins names. “I’ll carve your name on here too.” I said getting up to fetch a knife from the kitchen. When I returned Patsy said
“I have never seen anyone write my name before. Can you teach me how to write it?”
I carved her name on the wall next to mine then I got some Paper and a pencil. She practiced writing it a few times until it looked almost as good as mine. She beamed with pleasure.
Later she showed me her doll, Hattie. She was made out of a flower sack and filled with grasses. Her Mother gave her to Patsy for Christmas the year before. I showed Patsy my doll, Lydia. She is a China doll with hair made of real human hair. She was one of the few things I saved from our house. We talked a bit until Aunt Maria had to take her to Reverend Hayes house. They hid her under some straw in the back of her wagon and off they went.
Aunt Maria returned later that night with the news that Patsy had safely made it to Reverend Hayes house.

Last edited by mbg9 on Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Escape! A story of the Civil War Empty Escape! A story of the Civil War Continued

Post  mbg9 Sun Jun 08, 2008 10:12 am

Chapter 5
Going back to Home

The next day Father, Mother, and I went back to Blackberry Bend. I knew I wouldn’t like what I saw but I had to see it, I had to know if our house, our past lives were still standing. Once we rolled down Main Street, our street we knew everything would never be the same again. Some buildings, buildings I would walk by everyday were just a pile of rubble. Others were still standing but they were emptied out of everything that was once inside. There were a few people around but not many and those that were were dirty, and they looked like they had gone through a war. Our house was still standing. Some things were gone, but not all. The Jewelry, and all of the other valuables were gone but our furniture was still there. We might come back and get some, but probably not. It would be too much to take out West. I took a few things from my room, my jewelry box and my purse.
Our final stop was Jane’s house. Mother and Father would go look for Henrietta while I went to Jane’s house, or at least what was left of it. I wanted to be alone. Most of the homes on Blackberry Lane were still standing, only a few had been burned. I walked up to Jane’s house, just as I had hundreds of times before. I pushed open the door and looked inside. The house was completely empty there was nothing left in the whole house, all of Jane’s things were gone. I walked into Jane’s room, there were more things left in her room than in the rest of the house. Her Bed and armoire were still there but most of Jane’s things were gone. I wondered if Jane was alright, if she had even escaped the invasion. Soon everything got blurry, I was crying though I thought I cried all the tears a girl can cry.
Then I spotted something on the floor, Jane’s gold cross necklace. It was her most prized possession; her grandmother had given it to her just before she died. I put in my pocket for safekeeping. I would give it back to Jane if I ever saw her again. I looked around her room one last time, until Mother and Father came back. When they arrived they looked very sad and I knew that something had gone wrong with finding Henrietta.
I wiped away my tears and asked “Did you find Henrietta?” Father gulped then glanced down at Mother. “Mother is something wrong? Father?”
“Henrietta was killed.” Said Father removing his hat. I felt as if someone had thrown a stone at my heart.
“Not Henrietta.” I said quietly, like a whisper.
I didn’t have the heart to stay any longer so we left not long after that.

Chapter 6

Father said we were going west. West to Colorado. “We are to leave in a week on the train.” Said Father. Mother didn’t want to leave; I didn’t want to leave for it meant getting further from Jane, where ever she was.
The day before we left a letter arrived from Joseph:

Dear Mother, Father, Kate, and Aunt Maria,
One of my friends told me of the Attack on Blackberry Bend. Are all of you alright? General says I can come home soon. I have had the Cholera but I am well now. (Don’t worry Mother!) I will go to Aunt Maria’s house until I know where the rest of you live.

I miss you all,

We hadn’t gotten a letter from Joseph in a long time and that one put Mother in a good mood.
That day another escaping Slave came to stay with Aunt Maria. It was a young woman named Nancy and her baby Mary. That night I played with Mary while Nancy took a nap, she was worn out from the long trip.
I never knew how much I would miss Virginia until I left it… forever.

Chapter 7

I had never thought there was anything as big, or as scary as that Train. Steam puffed from the smokestack as it chugged across the track. At first I didn’t want to get on, but then I realized I had to and left my fears behind in Virginia. As I sat in the seat staring out at the world through the window I wondered if I would ever see Virginia or Jane again. I wondered what would be there in Colorado. And as I stared out the window I remembered all of my memories of Virginia, The good ones and the bad. But I knew there would be a better future for me out West.


In September 1863 Joseph came home to Colorado. Two years later he married a girl named Laura Larson, they had Seven Children. A year after the attack Kate’s family adopted a girl who was orphaned in the Blackberry Bend attack, her name was Annie Morse, when she was adopted she was five years old. She married a wealthy business man named Matthew Patterson, they had Two Children.
Kate married a successful farmer named James Matthews, they had five children. In 1865 Kate found her dear friend Jane. She and her family traveled out to Colorado and they all had a joyous reunion. Jane never married but she adopted two twin girls who were orphaned in the great San Francisco earthquake and fire, which is where she lived.
Each and every summer for the rest of their lives Kate and Jane traveled to see each other. They remained Best Friends for the rest of their lives.

Last edited by mbg9 on Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Escape! A story of the Civil War Empty Wow!

Post  CarRotxXxTop07 Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:30 am

Wow! I only skimmed through it and it's still really good!

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Escape! A story of the Civil War Empty Re: Escape! A story of the Civil War

Post  sea-magic Mon Jun 09, 2008 12:01 pm

THAT WAS AMAZING!!!! i loved it! great story. lol!

Last edited by sea-magic on Thu Jun 12, 2008 9:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Escape! A story of the Civil War Empty Thanks!

Post  mbg9 Mon Jun 09, 2008 12:53 pm

Thanks! I think its great that people like my stories. I just love writing them!

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Escape! A story of the Civil War Empty Re: Escape! A story of the Civil War

Post  sea-magic Thu Jun 12, 2008 9:15 pm

the only thing i didnt really get was why kate said "not henrietta". when her father said that henrietta was killed.

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Escape! A story of the Civil War Empty Re: Escape! A story of the Civil War

Post  mbg9 Fri Jun 13, 2008 10:31 am

I Guess that she was just sad and said "Not Henrietta..." Like its hard for her to imagine that she was gone.

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Escape! A story of the Civil War Empty Re: Escape! A story of the Civil War

Post  sea-magic Fri Jun 13, 2008 10:52 am

Oh i get it now. scratch lol! maybe you should emphasise "not" a b it more, cuz otherwise its confusing.

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Escape! A story of the Civil War Empty Re: Escape! A story of the Civil War

Post  candy404 Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:49 am

That was AMAZING! Very Happy

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Escape! A story of the Civil War Empty Re: Escape! A story of the Civil War

Post  CarRotxXxTop07 Thu Jun 26, 2008 11:23 am

I am reading parts at a time and it is amazing!

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Location : If u don't know this... it's 4 a reason!


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